5 things to avoid for managing skin disease

5 things to avoid for managing skin disease

Hormones and changing seasons, and some food items may affect your skin. Consuming certain nutritious foods can help boost the health and functioning of specific body parts. However, some foods can hamper or affect the health of certain body parts too. If you are wondering which food items could have an impact on the health of your skin and cause skin disease and other skin issues, then read on to know more. Sugar You may have heard that ‘eating habits do not cause acne.’ However, that notion in recent times has been declared incorrect. Your blood sugar plays a vital role in keeping your skin healthy. Eating certain food items, such as cookies, granola bars, and sweet beverages, will soar your blood sugar. This can trigger an increased production of insulin. This hormone helps the cells absorb sugar. However, research has proved that insulin plays a role in the development of acne. Thus, you must avoid foods that are carbohydrate sources or rich in sugar. Fat There are several food items that you might be consuming that have a high amount of fats. These fats could trigger inflammation in the body that might be reflected in the appearance of your skin.
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5 health conditions that may cause muscle pain

5 health conditions that may cause muscle pain

Clinically referred to as myalgia , muscle pain is an ache that occurs in your ligaments, soft tissues, or tendons that connect your bones and muscles. This pain may be limited to one area of the body or spread over a group of muscles. While in most cases, these cramps and pains resolve on their own, they can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying health condition. These conditions are known to cause muscle pain: Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that is commonly known to cause cramps and muscle pain. This disorder amplifies how your spinal cord and brain process pain sensations. The muscle aches associated with this condition usually cause widespread dull pain on both sides of your body, particularly below the waist. Such an issue may often lead to sleep disorders and daytime fatigue. Fibromyalgia is usually caused by repeated nerve stimulation, which changes the levels of certain chemicals that indicate pain. Some common reasons for this are Genetics Chronic stress Physical trauma and injuries Conditions such as lupus or osteoarthritis Illnesses like Lyme disease Infections like HIV Fibromyalgia is treated by administering painkillers or an XL Patch. Physical and occupational therapy also helps in relieving painful muscles.
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4 vitamins that help maintain eye health

4 vitamins that help maintain eye health

Eyesight is one of the most crucial senses, so the eyes need proper care on a daily basis. Multiple eye health complications can develop due to poor nutrition and improper care. If left unchecked, these problems may trigger vision loss or distorted vision, requiring corrective measures like eyeglasses or lenses. However, one can ensure that they have certain vitamins that are absolutely vital nutrients to protect the eyes and improve vision. Vitamin A Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A and plant compounds like beta carotene. Studies show that vitamin A helps improve visibility in low lighting conditions. The body also converts essential beta carotene compounds into vitamin A to further meet daily requirements. Beta carotene is instrumental in enabling the retina to produce more pigments that help enhance visibility. Additionally, the eyes also benefit from compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin found in plant-based foods. This is why nutritionists recommend adding carrots, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins to daily meals. Ideally, nutritionists recommend maintaining a steady daily intake of up to 900 micrograms of vitamin A for men and 700 micrograms for women. Vitamin E The eyes also need antioxidants to combat free radicals triggering cell damage in healthy tissues.
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9 habits to avoid for a healthy liver

9 habits to avoid for a healthy liver

The liver is the second-largest organ in our body that performs numerous vital tasks. For instance, it metabolizes chemicals, neutralizes and destroys poisonous compounds, manufactures essential nutrients, produces bile, and regulates glucose, cholesterol, vitamin, and hormone levels. Still, people rarely stop to think about liver health. Caring for the liver begins by breaking certain unhealthy habits. Read on to learn more about nine such habits that could harm the liver and how to avoid them. Consuming too much sugar When sugar enters the body, it is broken down into glucose and used for producing energy. Any excess turns into fat, which is stored in the liver. Over time, this can lead to fatty build-up in the organ, increasing the risk of fatty liver disease. Excessive sugar consumption also increases inflammation in the body, harming other internal organs. Avoiding sweets and controlling blood sugar can help people maintain liver health and performance. Dining out regularly Many people eat rather large portions of processed foods when dining out. The food served in restaurants often has high amounts of saturated fats, salts, and sugars. Eating such food can raise inflammation in the body, impede liver function, and put one at risk for conditions like liver cirrhosis.
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9 warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

9 warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic immune system disease where white blood cells (eosinophils) build up in the lining of the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. The buildup results from reactions to foods, allergens, or acid reflux and may inflame or injure the esophageal tissue. While the condition can be managed well in many cases, it must be diagnosed early. The following are nine common warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis. Dysphagia When a person swallows food, it moves from the oral cavity to the upper airway and into the digestive tract. However, health conditions like eosinophilic esophagitis disrupt this process. Consequently, the patient may find it hard to swallow food or water, needing immediate expert attention. Impaction When food gets firmly stuck in the esophagus, it is called “food impaction.” This symptom may occur due to severe esophageal inflammation and progressive fibrosis. These complications narrow the esophageal lumen, causing food to get stuck. Patients may require immediate healthcare intervention if the food does not pass into the stomach. Vomiting Those who suffer from impaction due to eosinophilic esophagitis may also experience signs like vomiting. When food does not pass into the stomach, it might climb back into the mouth, resulting in vomiting.
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6 common signs of thyroid eye disease

6 common signs of thyroid eye disease

Often, one may notice some irritation and redness in the eyes, which is typically brought on by an allergic reaction, foreign substances entering the eyes, or excessively rubbing the eyes. In rare cases, it could indicate an underlying condition. For instance, thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune condition responsible for eye inflammation. So, one can watch out for the following common signs of the condition to seek an early diagnosis: 1. Red eyes Thyroid eye disease can cause redness of the eyes, which is also one of the first signs of the condition. It is brought on by inflammation, swelling, and irritation of the thin coating, called conjunctiva, that covers the white portion of the eyes. As eyes can seem to be red due to reasons other than thyroid eye disease, it is common to ignore this symptom and delay medical intervention. However, if one notices persistently red eyes, they should consult a doctor and get a diagnosis.  2. Dry eyes The increase in inflammation levels associated with thyroid eye disease can lead to a number of issues, including dry eyes and the feeling of grittiness in the region. Autoimmune thyroid conditions are known to result in dry eye syndrome at times.
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6 common symptoms of nasal polyps

6 common symptoms of nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths that develop on the inner lining of nasal cavities. Some causative agents of nasal polyps include allergies, repeated sinus infections, and asthma. Although polyps are generally painless, as they grow, the patient may start noticing symptoms and pain. It is important to note that the signs and symptoms of nasal polyps do not resolve on their own and may require medical attention. Additionally, if ignored, nasal polyps may lead to complications. Nasal congestion People with nasal polyps may experience a blocked nose. This can be attributed to the increase in size of the polyps and the resultant inflammation of the blood vessels. It can also cause swelling of the tissues of the nasal lining and the blood vessels in the septum. The swelling can cause severe congestion and uneasiness for the patients. Because of the stuffiness, patients might even find it difficult to breathe, leading them to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, prolonged nasal congestion can be considered a common symptom of nasal polyps. Decreased sense of smell Another common symptom of nasal polyps is the possibility of losing the sense of smell. The polyps inside the nasal cavity cause inflammation and blockage. It also lowers the airflow in the nasal passage.
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6 common signs of macular degeneration

6 common signs of macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a type of eye disease that is often associated with aging. So, it primarily affects those over the age of 50, interfering with their central vision in one or both eyes. The condition can be managed and slowed down if one gets diagnosed in time. Here, addressing unusual changes in vision and getting regular eye checkups can help. Further, the following signs of macular degeneration should prompt one to seek medical intervention:  1. Blurred vision After the age of 50, one may begin experiencing blurred vision, which could be a sign of age-related macular degeneration. Even though macular degeneration does not always come with warning signs, persistently blurred vision should prompt one to get a complete eye examination. The symptom could be observed in one or both eyes. Here, the damage to the macula—a region in the center of the retina—can make things right in front of the eyes seem blurry as well as far away objects can be difficult to see. 2. Distorted vision Macular degeneration can make objects look disfigured. For instance, straight lines may appear to be curved or wavy. Although this sign is one of the later symptoms of the condition, if one does begin to notice such distortion, they should consult an eye doctor.
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7 signs of depression to look out for

7 signs of depression to look out for

While it is common to occasionally feel moody, sad, or apathetic, some people experience these emotions for prolonged periods. Depression can cause these emotions to become quite severe, to the point of affecting their quality of life. Depression is a serious mental health condition that can cause severe physical symptoms, too. It is crucial to be aware of some common signs of the condition and seek help quickly. 1. Feeling hopeless Depression may cause a person to have frequent feelings of hopelessness. This is often accompanied by a persistent feeling of not contributing anything worthwhile to one’s personal, social, or professional life. Although no significant adverse life event may have occurred, the feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness make the person feel like a failure. This is because depression is a complex disorder brought about by faulty mood regulation by the brain, stressful life events, and genetic factors. It is believed that several of these forces are responsible for the onset of depression. Usually, feelings of hopelessness may last for a while and occur repeatedly over time. Sometimes, these can be persistent for more extended periods, too. 2. Experiencing difficulty managing moods Another common sign of depression to look out for is frequent mood swings.
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9 healthy foods that help boost the immune system

9 healthy foods that help boost the immune system

The immune system includes complex processes, chemicals, and cells that defend the body against foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. When left unchecked, these invaders may lead to severe health complications. The immune system needs adequate nutrition to function efficiently and prevent infections or diseases. One could take supplements to build their immunity. However, healthy foods like the ones listed below may also help boost the immune system and keep illnesses at bay. Oranges Several people turn to foods rich in vitamin C to fight the symptoms of a cold. Oranges are a healthy source of vitamin C which helps improve the production of white blood cells. So eating this citrus fruit will help build the immune system and ward off or prevent potential health issues. Other healthy citrus fruits rich in vitamin C include clementines, grapefruit, limes, lemons, and tangerines. Broccoli The vegetable is flush with nutrients that can benefit one’s immune system. Broccoli is abundant in vitamin C, which boosts white blood cell production. The vegetable is also rich in vitamin K1, a vitamin necessary for blood clotting. Furthermore, it contains iron, an essential mineral for transporting oxygen across the red blood cells. Broccoli is also high in proteins, which are the building blocks of the human body.
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7 best times to drink water

7 best times to drink water

Bottled water accounts for over 25% of beverage consumption in the country. Many rely on pure bottled water brands like Nestle, Dasani, and Aquafina for their daily hydration needs. They believe it is safer to drink pure bottled water, as tap water can be affected by groundwater contamination. A full-grown adult must have at least 8 to 12 glasses a day, preferably at specific crucial times to ensure they get the most benefits. After waking up Having a glass of water right after waking up offers several health benefits. First, the body needs fluids to flush out toxins. Second, a glass of water first thing in the morning rehydrates the body after the long fast overnight. Additionally, this helps boost energy levels and stimulate metabolism. Water will also promote digestion and boost cognitive function. Fun fact: About 60% of the human body is composed of water, which makes the body function at optimum capacity. So, one should start the day right and get hydrated. When experiencing hunger pangs A rumbling feeling in the stomach does not always mean the body is running low on carbs and calories. Simply snacking to curb hunger will only trigger insulin spikes, affect cholesterol, and lead to mass gain.
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