8 credit card habits to avoid

8 credit card habits to avoid

Credit cards are easy to use and super convenient when used properly. But, these cards can also be devastating to your financial health and can have a negative impact on your credit score if you use them wrong. Poor or irresponsible credit card usage can lead to debt, which can affect your long-term financial stability. Read on to learn about which credit card habit of yours might be doing more harm than good. Not paying your credit bill in full One of the most common credit card habits that will hurt you, in the long run, is not paying your credit card bills in full. Paying only the minimum due or only part of your bill does not really allow you to make any progress on paying off your balance. In fact, in such cases, you are more likely to end up paying more interest. Plus, you are also damaging your credit score and raising your credit utilization. It is a good practice to only spend how much you need and pay off all of it at once. Not checking your statement often Not checking your credit card statement can also lead to trouble. There could be a chance that you forgot about some expenses.
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Prepaid debit cards – Benefits and top picks

Prepaid debit cards – Benefits and top picks

If you think prepaid debit cards have no value, you might want to reassess your theory and catch up with this smart budgeting tool. Prepaid cards can save you from overspending and help you budget without much hassle. You also won’t have to worry much about transaction fraud or losing millions from the account in case of theft. That’s not all. A prepaid debit card can come in handy in many other situations too. Easier money management Prepaid debit cards are an effective tool to curb unnecessary expenses. If you cannot help but go a little crazy on your retail therapy spree, this card might be the perfect solution. Once you load your card with a certain amount, you know without a doubt that there’s no extra spending you can indulge in. Since the card encourages people to manage their money well, many have opted for it as a go-to payment method. Help with business budgeting If you’re bad at tracking how much you spend or often fail to meet business expenses without spending out of pocket, prepaid debit cards can help organize your finances. Getting a prepaid card for business expenses means you no longer have to worry about either spending your personal cash or going over budget with business spending.
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8 mistakes to avoid when filing tax returns

8 mistakes to avoid when filing tax returns

Every year people tend to rush to file income tax returns as the financial year stats converge. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a specific set of guidelines that ensures the filing process is easy for individuals to understand and file quickly. But many people tend to make mistakes on their forms which can lead to the income tax department rejecting the document. Therefore, here are eight mistakes to avoid when filing income tax returns. Premature filing Getting things done earlier than the deadline isn’t always simple while filing taxes. Institutions and organizations that issue the latest tax forms may send them later than usual. They may even send an updated version of the document a few weeks after the original is sent. If one files for taxes prematurely, they may risk missing out on any such changes in the documentation, which may lead to a rejection or delay in the returns process. Wrong tax filing status There are five tax filing status types: head of household, married filing jointly, qualified widow(er), married filing separately, and single. Unfortunately, several individuals pick the wrong one while filing the forms, which may affect their return. The tax filing process determines several factors, including the amount of standard deduction you are entitled to (if you are not itemizing) and the respective tax credits and deductions forms.
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10 things to know before investing in precious metals

10 things to know before investing in precious metals

Investing in precious metals has long been popular for diversifying portfolios and protecting wealth. Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium have maintained their value over time and could serve as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties. However, before diving into the world of precious metals investing, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of this market and make informed decisions. This article explores essential tips to know before investing in precious metals. 1. Understand the types of precious metals Before investing in any type of precious metal, it is essential for the investor to understand the different types of precious metals available. The most common precious metals are mentioned below: Gold Gold, which is known for its historical value and stability, is often considered a safe asset. It might be bought in various forms, including coins, bars, and jewelry. Silver Silver is less expensive than gold and has various industrial uses, making it more volatile but potentially profitable. It’s available in coins, bars, and other forms. Platinum Platinum is rarer and more valuable than gold, but it is also more volatile. It’s used primarily in the automotive industry and is available in bullion coins and bars. Palladium Palladium is a precious metal primarily used in the automotive industry for catalytic converters.
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10 mistakes to avoid when applying for a home loan

10 mistakes to avoid when applying for a home loan

Acquiring a home loan is a crucial financial choice that demands thoughtful contemplation and preparation. Whether individuals are first-time homebuyers or looking to refinance, navigating the mortgage application process can be complex and challenging. To ensure a successful and financially sound journey into homeownership, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can have long-lasting consequences. This article explores critical mistakes that one should avoid when applying for home loans. Neglecting to check credit scores The first step in the home loan journey should involve a thorough review of one’s credit history. Credit scores are key determinants in the mortgage application process, reflecting creditworthiness and directly impacting interest rates and loan terms offered by lenders. Failure to check and, if necessary, improve credit scores can lead to higher interest rates and less favorable loan terms. Before applying for a home loan, individuals should request copies of their credit reports from the major credit bureaus and review them carefully. Failing to shop around for rates Many homebuyers make the mistake of accepting the first loan offer they receive. To make an informed decision, shopping around and comparing   offers from multiple lenders is essential. Also, taking time to request quotes from different financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, and online lenders, is advisable.
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5 common mistakes to avoid while opening a CD

5 common mistakes to avoid while opening a CD

A certificate of Deposit or CD is a type of savings account option that many explore for financial security. CDs are known for their guaranteed and stable returns, making them a great investment for those who want to play it safe. Banks and credit unions offer them for a specified maturity period at interest rates. However, one can make some rookie mistakes when dabbling in such an investment. One can avoid these pitfalls while opening a CD. Opening fee-based account Banks often need one to have a checking account before applying for a CD. However, these banks also have a cost associated with opening a checking account. According to statistics from 2022, the national average return rate of CDs ranges from 0.03% to 0.39%. However, CD rates keep changing, and some banks are providing even 5% APY as of October 2023. A fee-based account can reduce the returns extensively. For instance, if one takes the national average return rate, say Chase Total Checking, which charges a monthly fee of $12, one may end up paying more in fees than one might earn in returns. To avoid this, ask the representative of the bank if there is a minimum deposit requirement that can help you waive the fee.
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Top 4 apps for credit building to improve credit scores

Top 4 apps for credit building to improve credit scores

A credit score is a number between 300 and 850 that records one’s creditworthiness. Those with higher credit scores are more likely to receive loan approval and reduced interest rates. This score is based on one’s credit history, drawn from factors such as the total number of accounts in their name, types of loans, length of credit history, debt utilization, etc. Several credit-building apps have emerged on the market to help people improve their credit scores. How credit-building apps work Credit-building apps tend to offer three distinct services. These are as follows: 1. Credit monitoring With major credit bureaus, there are restrictions on how often one can access their credit score. However, some apps offer credit monitoring services to allow one to check their score daily, weekly, or monthly. They also offer tips and suggestions for how to improve one’s score. Lastly, they also monitor activity on one’s accounts, sending alerts for any new accounts or suspicious activity that may occur. 2. Credit building lenders Some apps also offer credit-building loans. As the name suggests, these are meant to help build one’s credit score. Since one makes regular payments in a short period of time, these loans can significantly improve one’s credit score.
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Avoid these 7 mistakes when trying to get debt-free

Avoid these 7 mistakes when trying to get debt-free

Financial freedom and debt-free living are attainable goals. To achieve these goals, it’s important to manage one’s finances, savings, and especially debts wisely. Paying off debt requires a thoughtful and disciplined approach. But some mistakes can not only prolong this journey but also get in the way of building essential emergency funds for a secure financial future. Here are some debt repayment mistakes and suggestions for better financial planning for lasting financial well-being. Not changing spending habits Maintaining the same spending habits can affect one’s financial stability and efforts to reduce debt. It’s essential to reassess and adjust one’s expenditure patterns, which involves curbing impulsive purchases or unnecessary luxuries like the latest gadgets or insistence on eating out every day. Simple changes in one’s spending habits and adding on a few ways to save and invest more can expedite one’s debt repayment and build a foundation for future financial well-being. Not contributing to a retirement account A retirement account is like a safety net for an individual once their income from a regular job comes to a standstill. These funds are often undervalued during the younger working years, but they build a solid foundation that gives an individual much financial stability and mental peace in old age.
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6 crucial debit card mistakes to avoid

6 crucial debit card mistakes to avoid

Debit cards are convenient tools that allow one to complete a transaction easily. Since debit cards directly take money from the checking account, it ensures that a person only spends a limited amount. Plus, they do not even levy heavy interests like credit cards. However, despite all these advantages, one needs to avoid some mistakes when using debit cards; otherwise, they could end up losing money. Here are some common debit card mistakes to avoid. Using out-of-network ATMs As everyone knows, debit cards serve two purposes – making direct transactions (either online or by swiping) and withdrawing money from ATMs. What a lot of people might not know is that if they withdraw their money from an ATM that does not belong to their bank, they may be charged a fee for the withdrawal. Such ATMs are called out-of-network ATMs. The exact opposite of that is in-network ATMs, which are either owned by the respective bank or are within the bank’s partnered ATM network. By withdrawing cash from such in-network ATMs, one can avoid unnecessary withdrawal fees. Making big transactions with debit cards Debit cards do make shopping easier, but they also pose a slight risk. If an individual wishes to return an item that they purchased with a debit card, getting a refund for it won’t be so convenient.
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11 ways to get personal loans with bad credit

11 ways to get personal loans with bad credit

Financial advisors almost always suggest that having a good credit score is the only way to secure personal loans. However, those who already have poor credit scores and need personal loans urgently may find it difficult to improve their scores overnight. The good news is that with the right strategies, those with bad credit reports can get their personal loans approved. So, here are some ways to secure personal loans with bad credit scores: 1. Get someone to co-sign the loan The one who co-signs a loan promises to repay the loan in case the lender cannot do so. If the co-signer has a good credit score, lenders may approve the personal loan. One can consider asking trusted friends or family members to co-sign the application. 2. Correct errors in the credit report Sometimes, the credit report may have errors, which may lead to low credit scores. An incorrect outstanding credit balance or a wrongly credited loan are some of the common errors here. So, before applying for a personal loan, one should check the credit report carefully and get any errors corrected from the bank. 3. Find a co-borrower Having a co-borrower can increase the chances of loan approval.
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8 online credit card application mistakes to avoid

8 online credit card application mistakes to avoid

Credit cards are excellent for building credit and paying for expenses, such as medical bills and rent. Credit cards offer different benefits, like cashback, zero annual fees, travel rewards, and welcome bonuses. But customers need to fulfill some criteria set by the bank to avail themselves of these services. So, those considering applying for a new credit card should avoid a few common mistakes that can get one’s online application rejected. 1. Neglecting to do research One of the biggest mistakes people make when applying online for credit cards is not researching enough. The prospect of buying whatever one wants on credit can lure one into impulsively applying for a credit card. This might mean signing up for a credit card that has ample application restrictions. This is why it is vital to read the terms and conditions regarding restrictions to avoid getting one’s application rejected. 2. Failing to consider credit score The acceptance of credit card applications is highly dependent on the applicant’s credit score. Not checking when applying for a card can lead to high variations in expected and approved interest rates. Individuals should check their credit scores and narrow down the cards they want to apply for.
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